Object API

Object APIs main purpose is to provide basic information about one or all clients objects. Object API can request either for one specific object, or if no objects are specified, the API will return clients’ all existing objects.

API request example for a specific object:

GET /objects/{object_id}?version=1&api_key=<…>
HOST: api.fm-track.com

For this API to work, two parameters (not counting the API_key) are mandatory:

objectIdStringObject identifier (This ID can be acquired by sending and API request for clients all available objects)
versionStringVersion of the API, currently only version=1 is available
api_keyStringUser identification key
            "id": "abc123",
            "name": "AAA 000",
            "imei": "123456789123",
            "vehicle_params": {
                "vin": null,
                "make": null,
                "model": null,
              	"plate_number": null

If a parameter was entered incorrectly, the system will respond with an error code. All error codes are described in the APIs section. Parameters for which no data is provided are not included in the response. A full list of response parameters is available at the end of this section.

API request example for all clients objects:

GET /objects?version=1&api_key=<…>
HOST: api.fm-track.com

For this API to work, only one parameter (not counting the API_key) is mandatory:

versionStringVersion of the API, currently only version=1 is available
api_keyStringUser identification key

Response from server is identical to the response for one object, except the list continues for every one of the clients objects.

All response fields than can be received with every type of parameter are described in the next table:

nameStringVisible vehicle name
imeiStringVehicle hardware IMEI code
makeStringVehicle brand
modelStringVehicle brand model
object_idStringObject identifier (external)
vinStringVIN of object
plate_numberStringPlate number of object

API endpoints, request parameters and responses can be previewed in “Swagger” through this link : https://api.fm-track.com